söndag 11 april 2010

Sunday Spirit inspiration - Att låta henne leda mig.

I will step back and let Her lead the way,
For I would walk along the road to Her.

Ju mer vi låter oss ledas av vårt inre ljus och vår inre sanning ju mer kan vi vandra i frid och glädje och även lysa upp andras väg. Här kommer några fina tankar om detta... från ACIM

There is a way of living in the world that is not here, although it seems to be. You do not change appearance, though you smile more frequently. Your forehead is serene; your eyes are quiet.....

All roads will lead to this one in the end.

Such is salvation's call, and nothing more. It asks that you accept the truth, and let it go before you, lighting up the path….

Walk safely now, yet carefully,

because this path is new to you. And you may find that you are tempted still to walk ahead of truth, and let illusions be your guide. Your holy sisters and brothers have been given you, to follow in your footsteps as you walk with certainty of purpose to the truth. It goes before you now that they may see something with which they can identify; something they understand to lead the way.

We walk to God/the Goddess.

Pause and reflect on this. Could any way be holier, or more deserving of your effort, of your love and of your full intent? What way could give you more than everything, or offer less and still content the holy Daughter of the Goddess? We walk to Her. The truth that walks before us now is one with Her, and leads us to where She has always been. What way but this could be a path that you would choose instead?

Your feet are safely set upon the road that leads the world to the Goddess. Look not to ways that seem to lead you elsewhere...

And now She asks but
that you think of Her a while each day, that She may speak to you and tell you of Her Love, reminding you how great Her trust; how limitless Her Love. In your Name and Her Own, which are the same, we practice gladly with this thought today:
I will step back and let Her lead the way, For I would walk along the road to Her.

utdrag ur : ACIM feminine Lesson 155

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